Sunday, May 11, 2008


My mind melting down, a meteor of thoughts. Colliding, crumbling in it's brightest moment. Scattered my ideas are now lost to sanity forever...

Dark outside, cold inside, choked the will to go on, leaving what will never come behind without a second thought...

Raging through my conscience, memories of long forgotten errors, emotional crimes, tortured souls, remaining only guilt...

Leaking memories, i can't remember who i was or what i've done, nor those that have been hurt by my self centered little way of life...

A gift and a curse, how words give joy and cause those grief who we love, would it be better there weren't any?

Go outside, sit, close your eyes, breathe, listen, look inside, what do you see?

Holding tight, losing grip, flying, falling, hitting the ground, lying still, dying, buried in a white and icy grave...

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